Saturday, August 31, 2019
Definitions of Environmental Science Legislation
a.The Air Act, 1981 B.The Water Act, 1974 degree Celsiuss.The Environment Protection act, 1986 vitamin D.The Wildlife Protection Act, 1971 vitamin E.Agenda-21 The Air Act, 1981 Definitions. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, ââ¬â ( a ) ââ¬Å" air pollutant â⬠means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance 2 [ ( including noise ) ] nowadays in the ambiance in such concentration as may be or be given to be deleterious to human existences or other life animals or workss or belongings or environment ; ( B ) ââ¬Å" air pollution â⬠means the presence in the ambiance of any air ( degree Celsius ) ââ¬Å" approved contraptions â⬠means any equipment or appliance used for the delivery of any combustible stuff or for bring forthing or devouring any smoke, gas of particulate affair and approved by the State Board for the intent of this Act ; ( vitamin D ) ââ¬Å" approved fuel â⬠means any fuel approved by the State Board for the intents of this Act ; ( vitamin E ) ââ¬Å" car â⬠means any vehicle powered either by internal burning engine or by any method of bring forthing power to drive such vehicle by firing fuel ; ( degree Fahrenheit ) ââ¬Å" Board â⬠means the Central Board or State Board ; ( g ) ââ¬Å" Cardinal Board- means the 3 [ Central Board for the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution ] constituted under subdivision 3 of the Water ( Prevention and Control of Pollution ) Act, 1974 ; ( H ) ââ¬Å" chimney â⬠includes any construction with an gap or mercantile establishment from or through which any air pollutant may be emitted, ( I ) ââ¬Å" control equipment â⬠means any setup, device, equipment or system to command the quality and mode of emanation of any air pollutant and includes any device used for procuring the efficient operation of any industrial works ; ( J ) ââ¬Å" emanation â⬠means any solid or liquid or gaseous substance coming out of any chimney, canal or fluke or any other mercantile establishment ; ( K ) ââ¬Å" industrial works â⬠means any works used for any industrial or trade intents and breathing any air pollutant into the ambiance ; ( cubic decimeter ) ââ¬Å" member â⬠means a member of the Central Board or a State Board, as the instance may be, and includes the Chairman thereof, 4 [ ( m ) ââ¬Å" occupier â⬠, in relation to any mill or premises, means the individual who has control over the personal businesss of the mill or the premises, and includes, in relation to any substance, the individual in posse ssion of the substance ; ] ( N ) ââ¬Å" prescribed â⬠agencies prescribed by regulations made under this Act by the Cardinal Government or as the instance may be, the State authorities ; ( O ) ââ¬Å" State Board â⬠mleans, ââ¬â ( I ) in relation to a State in which the Water ( Prevention and Control of Pollution ) Act, 1974, is in force and the State Government has constituted for that State a 5 [ State Board for the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution ] under subdivision 4 of that Act, the said State Board ; and ( two ) in relation to any other State, the State Board for the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution constituted by the State Government under subdivision 5 of this Act. The Water Act, 1974 ( 1 ) This Act may be called the Water ( Prevention and Control of Pollution ) Act, 1974. ( 2 ) It applies in the first case to the whole of the States of Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tripura and West Bengal and the Union Territories ; and it shall use to such other State which adopts this Act by declaration passed in that behalf under clause ( 1 ) of article 252 of the Constitution. ( 3 ) It shall come into force, at one time in the States of Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tripura and West Bengal and in the Union districts, and in any other State which adopts this Act under clause ( 1 ) of article 252 of the Constitution on the day of the month of such acceptance and any mention in this Act to the beginning of this Act shall, in relation to any State or Union district, mean the day of the month on which this Act comes into force in such State or Union district. DEFINITIONS. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, ââ¬â ( a ) ââ¬Å" Board â⬠means the Central Board or a State Board ; ( B ) ââ¬Å" Central Board â⬠means the Central Pollution Control Board Constituted under subdivision 3 ; ( degree Celsius ) ââ¬Å" member â⬠means a member of a Board and includes the president thereof ; ( vitamin D ) ââ¬Å" occupier â⬠, in relation to any mill or premises, means the individual who has control over the personal businesss of the mill or the premises, and includes, in relation to any substance, the individual in ownership of the substance ; ( vitamin D ) ââ¬Å" mercantile establishment â⬠includes any conduit pipe or channel, unfastened or closed transporting sewerage or trade wastewater or any other retention agreement which causes or is likely to do, pollution ; ( vitamin E ) ââ¬Å" pollution â⬠agencies such taint of H2O or such change of the physical, chemical or biological belongingss of H2O or such discharge of any sewerage or trade wastewater or of any other liquid, gaseous or solid substance into H2O ( whether straight or indirectly ) as may, or is likely to, make a nuisance or render such H2O harmful or deleterious to public wellness or safety, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural or other legitimate utilizations, or to the life and wellness of animate beings or workss or of aquatic beings ; ( degree Fahrenheit ) ââ¬Å" prescribed â⬠agencies prescribed by regulations made under this Act by the Cardinal Government or, as the instance may be, the State Government ; ( g ) ââ¬Å" sewage wastewater â⬠means flush from any sewage system or sewerage disposal plants and includes sullage from unfastened drains ; ( gg ) ââ¬Å" sewer â⬠means any conduit pipe or channel, unfastened or closed, transporting sewerage or trade wastewater ; ( H ) ââ¬Å" State Board â⬠means a State Pollution Control Board constituted under subdivision 4 ( I ) ââ¬Å" State Government â⬠in relation to a Union district means the Administrator thereof appointed under article 239 of the Constitution ; ( J ) â⬠watercourse â⬠includes- ( I ) river ; ( two ) H2O class ( whether fluxing or for the clip being dry ) ; ( three ) inland H2O ( whether natural or unreal ) ; ( four ) sub-terranean Waterss ; ( V ) sea or tidal Waterss to such extent or, as the instance may be, to such point as the State Government may, by presentment in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf ; ( K ) ââ¬Å" trade wastewater â⬠includes any liquid, gaseous or solid substance which is discharged from any premises used for transporting on any [ Industry, operation or procedure, or intervention and disposal system ] , other than domestic sewerage. Definition In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, ââ¬â ( a ) ââ¬Å" environment â⬠includes H2O, air and land and the inter- relationship which exists among and between H2O, air and land, and human existences, other life animals, workss, microorganism and belongings ; ( B ) ââ¬Å" environmental pollutant â⬠means any solid, liquid or gaseous substance nowadays in such concentration as may be, or be given to be, deleterious to environment ; ( degree Celsius ) ââ¬Å" environmental pollution â⬠means the presence in the environment of any environmental pollutant ; ( vitamin D ) ââ¬Å" managing â⬠, in relation to any substance, means the industry, processing, intervention, bundle, storage, transit, usage, aggregation, devastation, transition, offering for sale, transportation or the similar of such substance ; ( vitamin E ) ââ¬Å" risky substance â⬠means any substance or readying which, by ground of its chemical or physico-chemical belongingss or handling, is apt to do injury to human existences, other life animals, works, microorganism, belongings or the environment ; ( degree Fahrenheit ) ââ¬Å" occupier â⬠, in relation to any mill or premises, means a individual who has, control over the personal businesss of the mill or the premises and includes in relation to any substance, the individual in ownership of the substance ; ( g ) ââ¬Å" prescribed â⬠agencies prescribed by regulations made under this Act. e Environment Protection act, 1986 Power OF Cardinal GOVERNMENT TO TAKE MEASURES TO PROTECT AND IMPROVE ENVIRONMENT ( 1 ) Subject to the commissariats of this Act, the Cardinal Government, shall hold the power to take all such steps as it deems necessary or expedient for the intent of protecting and bettering the quality of the environment and forestalling commanding and slaking environmental pollution. ( 2 ) In peculiar, and without bias to the generalization of the commissariats of sub-section ( 1 ) , such steps may include steps with regard to all or any of the undermentioned affairs, viz. : ââ¬â ( I ) co-ordination of actions by the State Governments, officers and other governments ââ¬â ( a ) under this Act, or the regulations made thereunder, or ( B ) under any other jurisprudence for the clip being in force which is relatable to the objects of this Act ; ( two ) planning and executing of a nation-wide programme for the bar, control and suspension of environmental pollution ; ( three ) puting down criterions for the quality of environment in its assorted facets ; ( four ) puting down criterions for emanation or discharge of environmental pollutants from assorted beginnings whatsoever: Provided that different criterions for emanation or discharge may be laid down under this clause from different beginnings holding respect to the quality or composing of the emanation or discharge of environmental pollutants from such beginnings ; ( V ) limitation of countries in which any industries, operations or procedures or category of industries, operations or procedures shall non be carried out or shall be carried out capable to certain precautions ; ( six ) puting down processs and precautions for the bar of accidents which may do environmental pollution and remedial steps for such accidents ; ( seven ) puting down processs and precautions for the handling of risky substances ; ( eight ) scrutiny of such fabrication procedures, stuffs and substances as are likely to do environmental pollution ; ( nine ) transporting out and patronizing probes and research associating to jobs of environmental pollution ; ( ten ) review of any premises, works, equipment, machinery, fabrication or other procedures, stuffs or substances and giving, by order, of such waies to such governments, officers or individuals as it may see necessary to take stairss for the bar, control and suspension of environmental pollution ; ( eleven ) constitution or acknowledgment of environmental research labs and institutes to transport out the maps entrusted to such environmental research labs and institutes under this Act ; ( twelve ) aggregation and airing of information in regard of affairs associating to environmental pollution ; ( thirteen ) readying of manuals, codifications or ushers associating to the bar, control and suspension of environmental pollution ; ( fourteen ) such other affairs as the Cardinal Government deems necessary or expedient for the intent of procuring the effectual execution of the commissariats of this Act. ( 3 ) The Cardinal Government may, if it considers it necessary or expedient so to make for the intent of this Act, by order, published in the Official Gazette, constitute an authorization or governments by such name or names as may be specified in the order for the intent of exerting and executing such of the powers and maps ( including the power to publish waies under subdivision 5 ) of the Cardinal Government under this Act and for taking steps with regard to such of the affairs referred to in sub-section ( 2 ) as may be mentioned in the order and topic to the supervising and control of the Cardinal Government and the commissariats of such order, such authorization or governments may exert and powers or execute the maps or take the steps so mentioned in the order as if such authorization or governments had been empowered by this Act to exert those powers or execute those maps or take such steps. APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS AND THEIR POWERS AND FUNCTIONS ( 1 ) Without bias to the commissariats of sub-section ( 3 ) of subdivision 3, the Cardinal Government may name officers with such appellation as it thinks tantrum for the intents of this Act and may intrust to them such of the powers and maps under this Act as it may hold tantrum. ( 2 ) The officers appointed under sub-section ( 1 ) shall be capable to the general control and way of the Cardinal Government or, if so directed by that Government, besides of the authorization or governments, if any, constituted under sub- subdivision ( 3 ) of subdivision 3 or of any other authorization or officer. Power TO GIVE DIRECTIONS Notwithstanding anything contained in any other jurisprudence but capable to the commissariats of this Act, the Cardinal Government may, in the exercising of its powers and public presentation of its maps under this Act, issue waies in composing to any individual, officer or any authorization and such individual, officer or authorization shall be bound to follow with such waies. Explanation ââ¬â For the turning away of uncertainties, it is herewith declared that the power to publish waies under this subdivision includes the power to direct ââ¬â ( a ) the closing, prohibition or ordinance of any industry, operation or procedure ; or ( B ) arrest or ordinance of the supply of electricity or H2O or any other service. Rules TO REGULATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION ( 1 ) The Cardinal Government may, by presentment in the Official Gazette, make regulations in regard of all or any of the affairs referred to in subdivision ( 2 ) In peculiar, and without bias to the generalization of the predating power, such regulations may supply for all or any of the undermentioned affairs, viz. : ââ¬â ( a ) the criterions of quality of air, H2O or dirt for assorted countries and intents ; ( B ) the maximal allowable bounds of concentration of assorted environmental pollutants ( including noise ) for different countries ; ( degree Celsius ) the processs and precautions for the handling of risky substances ; ( vitamin D ) the prohibition and limitations on the handling of risky substances in different countries ; ( vitamin E ) the prohibition and limitation on the location of industries and the transporting on procedure and operations in different countries ; ( degree Fahrenheit ) the processs and precautions for the bar of accidents which may do environmental pollution and for supplying for remedial steps for such accidents. The Wildlife Protection Act, 1971 The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 is an Indian statute law enacted by the Parliament of India for protection of workss and carnal species. Before 1972, India merely had five designated national Parkss. Among other reforms, the Act established agendas of protected works and carnal species ; runing or reaping these species was mostly outlawed. The Act provides for the protection of wild animate beings, birds and workss ; and for affairs connected therewith or accessory or incidental thereto. It extends to the whole of India, except the State of Jammu and Kashmir which has its ain wildlife act. It has six agendas which give changing grades of protection. Agenda I and portion II of Schedule II supply absolute protection ââ¬â offenses under these are prescribed the highest punishments. Speciess listed in Schedule III and Schedule IV are besides protected, but the punishments are much lower. Schedule V includes the animate beings which may be hunted. The workss in Schedule VI are prohibited from cultivation and planting. The hunting to the Enforcement governments have the power to intensify offenses under this Schedule ( i.e. they impose mulcts on the wrongdoers ) . Up to April 2010 there have been 16 strong beliefs under this act associating to the decease of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelams. Definition * ââ¬Å" carnal â⬠includes amphibious vehicles, birds, mammals, and reptilians, and their immature, and besides includes, in the instances of birds and reptilians, their eggs. * ââ¬Å" carnal article â⬠means an article made from any confined or wild animate being, other than varmints, and includes an article or object in which the whole or any portion of such animate being has been used and an article made therefrom. * ââ¬Å" hunting â⬠includes ( a ) capturing, killing, poisoning, traping, or pin downing any wild animate being, and every effort to make so ( B ) driving any wild animate being for any of the intents specified in bomber clause ( degree Celsius ) injuring, destructing or taking any body portion of any such animate being, or in the instance of wild birds or reptilians, upseting or damaging the eggs or nests of such birds or reptilians. * ââ¬Å" taxidermy â⬠means the hardening, readying or saving of trophies. * ââ¬Å" trophy â⬠means the whole or any portion of any confined or wild animate being ( other than varmint ) which has been kept or preserved by any agencies, whether unreal or natural. This includes: ( a ) carpet, teguments, and specimens of such animate beings mounted in whole or in portion through a procedure of taxidermy ( B ) antler, horn, rhinoceros horn, feather, nail, tooth, musk, eggs, and nests. * ââ¬Å" uncured trophy â⬠means the whole or any portion of any confined animate being ( other than varmint ) which has non undergone a procedure of taxidermy. This includes a newly killed wild animate being, ambergris, musk and other carnal merchandises. * ââ¬Å" varmint â⬠means any wild animate being specified in Schedule V. * ââ¬Å" wildlife â⬠includes any animate being, bees, butterflies, crustacean, fish and moths ; and aquatic or land flora which forms portion of any home ground Agenda-21 Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action program of the United Nations with respect to sustainable development. [ 1 ] It is a merchandise of the UN Conference on Environment and Development ( UNCED ) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is an action docket for the UN, other many-sided organisations, and single authoritiess around the universe that can be executed at local, national, and planetary degrees. The ââ¬Å" 21 â⬠in Agenda 21 refers to the twenty-first Century. It has been affirmed and modified at subsequent UN conferences. Structure and contents Agenda 21 is a 300-page papers divided into 40 chapters that have been grouped into 4 subdivisions: * Section I: Social and Economic Dimensions is directed toward battling poorness, particularly in developing states, altering ingestion forms, advancing wellness, accomplishing a more sustainable population, and sustainable colony in determination devising. * Section II: Conservation and Management of Resources for Development Includes atmospheric protection, battling deforestation, protecting delicate environments, preservation of biological diverseness ( biodiversity ) , control of pollution and the direction of biotechnology, and radioactive wastes. * Section III: Strengthening the Role of Major Groups includes the functions of kids and young person, adult females, NGOs, local governments, concern and industry, and workers ; and beef uping the function of autochthonal peoples, their communities, and husbandmans. * Section IV: Meanss of Execution: execution includes scientific discipline, engineering transportation, instruction, international establishments and fiscal mechanisms.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Agriculture and Animal Farming
Agriculture has been the major source of human survival and component of economic development worldwide. Its productivity increases efficiently due to factors including fertilizers utilization, hybrid strains development, and advance farm management practices (Trautmann, Porter, & Wagenet).The most often studied contamination source in agriculture is usually related to organic matters such as animal manure, bedding, feed left-over, and animalsââ¬â¢ corpses.As a matter of fact, in United States, a study estimated that agriculture generates around 112 million of dry manure per year that results to the most abundant waste product of the industry, which is about 80, 000 lbs/year of swine-related manure per 1000 animal mass (Gaechter).In these modern days, the water is a great factor in agriculture, animal farming, and irrigation. A study made by USDA and estimated on Agricultural Census that around 11 million of irrigated acres in 1997 were used to raise crops that were used for anima l feed production.Because of this, a large amount of water is lost in relation to irrigation and evaporation due to exposure to atmosphere; and only a fraction is used for purely vegetation production (Gaechter).Some modern practices cause damage to soil and water resources, in environment as a whole. Among its impacts that affect agricultural productivity include soil erosion, excessive surface runoff (resulting to soil under-nutrition), and nutrient-lost in fertilizers due to chemical properties and reactions (Trautmann, Porter, & Wagenet).Due to global warming, the industry also faces water conservation issue due to limited water supply especially in irrigation.Due to some effects of modern agricultural practices to human and environment, it is recommended to utilize people-centered approach in projects of livestock development to reduce poverty, defend environmental sustainability, guarantee food security, and encourage animal welfare.Moreover, the awareness in utilizing chemica l products must be observed to protect the welfare of the environment, animals, and consumers.References:1997 census of agriculture: United States Summary and State Data (AC97-A-51). (1999). Retrieved. from National Agricultural Statistics Service.Gaechter, L. Environmental Implications of Modern Animal Agriculture: Save the Planet with your Fork.à à Retrieved May 6, 2007, from, N. M., Porter, K. S., & Wagenet, R. J. Modern Agriculture: Its Effects on the Environment.à à Retrieved May 6, 2007, from
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Cardioversion Have you ever felt like your heart was racing, fluttering or skip a beat? This can be a sign of cardiac arrhythmia and it is common especially in older adults. If you experience this occasionally they are usually harmless. However, some arrhythmias that last longer can be critical and require management and treatment. Cardiac arrhythmia is a class of conditions in which the electrical activity of the heart is abnormal. One way to correct certain arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter is by performing a medical procedure called ââ¬Å"Cardioversionâ⬠. As a group, we will like to explain why it is important to distinguish when cardioversion will be used versus defibrillation. According to website, ââ¬Å"Arrhythmias can produce a broad range of symptoms, from barely perceptible to cardiovascular collapse and death.â⬠There are different diagnostic tests used to confirm arrhythmias. We will also explain the two types of cardioversion procedures used to correct an irregular heartbeat and what occurs before, during and after cardioversion. We will discuss nursing implications including patient education throughout the process of a cardioversion procedure. An arrhythmia is a change in the rhythm of your heartbeat. Arrhythmias are more serious if you have other heart problems. Cardioversion is a corrective procedure to change or convert an irregular heart rhythm back to normal sinus rhythm. This procedure is usually elective, the patient is awake but sedated and a consent form must be signed prior to the procedure. According to website, cardioversions are done to treat atrial fibrillation (AFib) or atrial flutter (AFL) and non-life threatening irregular rhythms in the top of the heart. It is also used in less urgent cases to try to convert the rhythm back to normal. Defibrillation is for immediately life-threatening arrhythmias, the patient does not have a pulse such as ventricular fibrillation (VF) or pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VT). The goal for both is to deliver electrical energy to the heart to shock the heart temporarily allowing a normal sinus rhythm to kick in via the hearts normal pacemaker. For cases where an electrical shock is needed, if the patient is stable, and you can see a QRS-t complex you will use (LOW ENERGY) synchronized cardioversion. However, if the patient is pulseless, or if the patient is unstable and the defibrillator will not synchronize, you will use (HIGH ENERGY) unsynchronized cardioversion (defibrillation). Patients who have arrhythmias can be asystematic. When arrhythmias last long enough to upset how well the heart functions, more serious symptoms can occur such as syncope or near-fainting spells, chest pain and fatigue. In severe cases, collapse and sudden cardiac arrest can emerge. Diagnostic tests used to confirm arrhythmia are chest x-rays, blood tests, stress test and electrocardiogram. There are other tests or procedures used to determine arrhythmias; however, an electrocardiogram is the most common. ECG is used to check for signs of heart disease. Its a test that records the electrical activity of your heart through small electrode patches that are placed on the chest, arms, and legs. The ECG diagnostic test is commonly used because itââ¬â¢s reliable, fast, safe and painless.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Kanzas City Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Kanzas City - Essay Example t the OPC overstates compensation expenses by expensing bonuses in the year in which they are paid and states that bonuses are part of compensation package and should be divided equally throughout the playerââ¬â¢s contract period for accounting purposes. However, the OPC is right in using the above manner because the deferred compensation should only be expensed when players earn it, that is, it is an expected expense for the OPC (Palepu, Healy, & Bernard, 2007). The OPC is right to because bonus depreciation is a legal process available to all businesses and it allows firms to deduct an extra depreciation expense for the qualifying item, which is taken right away in the year that the item in question is put in use (IRS, 2013). It is a method of accelerated depreciation used on new items only. Nonetheless, the process creates a loophole in valuation by helping businesses to make tax losses thus raises concern for the PBPA. The above expense is associated with the salaries paid to players who no longer provide services to the team but whose contracts with the team have not expired. The OPC is right to expense the whole amount in one year because the affected players do not contribute to the teamââ¬â¢s current revenues. Corporate financial reporting uses accrual as opposed to cash accounting where expected cash outflows from economic transactions are recognized as expenses when computing the net income (Palepu & Healy, 2012). Accrual accounting fills the gap left by cash accounting when closing accounting books since the latter does not report full economic repercussions of transactions undertaken in a certain period and gives incomplete information about a firmââ¬â¢s periodic performance. Since the stadiumââ¬â¢s owners are also shareholders in Zephyrs, then it is possible that the rent could be overcharged given that managers can use disclosure policies that make it difficult for external users to discover the firmââ¬â¢s true economic picture and such overlapping revenues
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Critical response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Critical response - Essay Example Furthermore, considering her cynical attitude, it is possible she hast tried very many. I am of the opinion that technology is not a panacea for educational problems. However, this does not mean that it is all bad like the writer would have us believe. In fact, the authors seeming large scale condemnation of the notion of using technology in education of children is the main point of friction from my side. The article contains five arguments against the use of technology in elementary school; thus, I will undertake to examine each of them while adding additional evidence where I deem it necessary in the quest to acquiesce to or dispute some of the claims as posited by the author. Technology may be a controversial subject in lower school because the subject in the lower school, but in upper levels, it has become part of the system. This is because their teachers are unlikely to have the luxury of using their own discretion on whether to inculcate it in the syllabi or not. This is mostly because to majority of teenagers, IT is part of their lives and many spend hours in front of computer monitors or surfing and watching videos on their Ipads and I phones. As such teachers doing things their way is likely to be the IT way. As such, the lower school students will be better placed to acclimatize themselves to the technology higher up if it is introduced early. In the initial argument, the writer posits that the benefits are not clear due to insufficient research on the subject. He goes ahead to quote some of the findings and claim that technology has been found to have negative impacts on the concentration of children. While this might have some negative effects, it is not a conclusive result either. Furthermore, by his own admission, there is not enough evidence to show the benefits then it goes without saying there is not enough to uphold
Monday, August 26, 2019
Human dignity and diversity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Human dignity and diversity - Assignment Example The next stage is where the persons begin to accept that they are either gay or black or non-white but then try to merge into the desired traits. They end up being hypocritical about themselves by either marrying a woman for a gay person or marrying a white person in the case of a black person. Such identification, they hope will gain the acceptance. Gay people are especially encountered with the challenge of not expressing themselves in public by holding hands or kissing. The society although impliedly and by the law in support of human rights fails to comply to its promises in action. The society is hence hypocritical in support of gay people and such discrimination as concerns racism. For Yoshino who was both gay and Asian American living amongst Americans, the challenge is a personal experience and observation. It is therefore important from his insistence that the law follows to the letter such cases of human rights and discrimination in the society so that these groups are free to be themselves. Americans on the other hand along with other superior groups may focus on being central and not necessarily
Case Study in Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Case Study in Human resource management - Essay Example This is why human resources should not be treated like physical, financial and technological resources. Every worker has needs, aspirations and expectations which he likes to be fulfilled at the place of work. It is the duty of management to provide opportunities to the workers to satisfy their needs and aspirations. The worker does not merely sell his services. He is a human being and wants good human relations at the work place where he spends between seven to eight hours every day. Good human relations are not created automatically. Deliberate efforts are required by the management to build and maintain good relations in industry. ââ¬Å"Management must recognize the right of expression of the workers and give them adequate opportunity to have a say in the management of affairs, directly affecting their lives.â⬠(Dr. Balu, V. R. 2002. (P.1-2, 5-10, 343, 346)). Thus, management of personnel or human resources encompasses not only the process of employment, training and development, communication, appraisal etc., but also achieving good industrial relations, which is a pre-requi site to sustain, which are higher productivity. Here, Grimshawls Quality Textiles, the clothing company has a reasonable reputation as a local employer. Their rates of pay are good for the area and they maintain an unproblematic industrial relations record through a most scientific and modern HRM practices because all these issues have to do with personal and industrial relations. In the textile company, the affairs were managed by the Managing Director and his Personal Assistant. The PA keeps the personal records of all employees in the company and the MD has published a number of personal policies to cover absence, discipline and regulation in the workplace. ââ¬Å"The employees work behaviour, to great extent, will be affected by the work environment and the working conditions, such as working environment of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
European Union Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 7
European Union Law - Essay Example This paper takes a stand that for the EU to achieve success in meeting its objectives, its laws and directives have to be supreme over the laws and directives of member states. The principles of the supremacy of the EU denote that, the laws of the European Union are supreme when compared to the laws of the member states. The European Court of Justice introduced this doctrine in 1964, however, to date; it is still controversial with some states arguing against its adoption. This is because of the concept of sovereignty, which allows member states to have a right of determining their laws, without influence from foreign powers. However, there are a number of reasons given, in support of the principles of the EU law2. One of these principles is that, there would be uneven application of laws, if this principle does not exist. This is unacceptable within the European Union, mainly because it has the capability of threatening and compromising the legal system of the European Union. Another reason is based on the doctrines of the direct effect which was created by the European Union Court of Justice. This doctrine denotes that certain provisions of the European Laws are directly applicable to the national laws of member states, without any other enactments3. This is beneficial to the member states, mainly because it creates uniformity in the application of laws, hence promoting the objectives and mission of the European Union. The concept or principle of the EU supremacy has never been expressly identified in any of the treaties that form the European Union. This concept was developed by the European Court of Justice through a series of very important rulings and judgments. However, the most important case responsible for introducing this concept of supremacy of EU laws is the case of Costa vs. ENEL4. According to this case, the judges denoted that a directly applicable, secondary or primary European law will prevail
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 27
Personal statement - Essay Example My interest in business grew with time. Also, there was a time when I had to help both my sister and cousin in their business. They were selling souvenir gifts for several celebration events, such as national day, weddings and Henna nights. I took the responsibility of dealing with costumers, receiving their calls and coordinating with them. Furthermore, I came up with beneficial ideas for marketing their products. We started with an official Instagram account to display photographs of their work and we supported this by placing advertisements in daily newspapers. Our elegant souvenirs won the admiration of many people and we did transactions with a quantum of well known companies. Handling such customers demanded high level of confidence and good communication skills. It also required good product knowledge, which means I had to have good memory. During my high school education years, I had many honorable scientific achievements. I was voted in as the scientific researches club president by students. I presented my school in the Qatari high schools scientific researches competition. Our school was ranked in the top ten and we were able to reach the playoffs. Moreover, I had been chosen from the school Academic Advisor to be one of the five girls to examine the Pisa International Exam. As a participant, this improved my time management ability as well as my ability to meet deadlines. Moreover, I learnt that success demands hard work and setting priorities effectively. I have also discovered the importance of volunteering, especially when it becomes evident that you have made some changes that better the lives of other people who in one way or the other lost hope. That happened through the volunteering in Qatar Charity. I used to transfer funds from donors to facilitate the construction of mosques and projects to help countrie s suffering from famine and persecution. What a wonderful feeling when you hear the word ââ¬Å"
Friday, August 23, 2019
Course project part 1 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Course project part 1 - Coursework Example Selling and administrative expense rose proportionately more than the sales growth (55 percent). This was compounded by the 185 percent increase in interest expense which significantly eroded these gains. Otherwise, all other cost elements were under control. The net income thus went up by only 28 per cent, and because of the issuance of new shares during the period, earnings per share increased by only 9 percent. Net profit margin in the second year relative to sales dipped slightly compared to the year before despite the the growth in sales. While operating profit margin was better than the previous level by two percentage points, the near three-fold increase in interest expense was the main reason why net profit return on sales did not improve. Total assets nearly doubled during the period due to the 113 percent increase in net plant and equipment. Accounts receivable, due to the drive to increase sales, more than doubled. There was an increase in cash and cash equivalents of 40 per cent. The increases in fixed assets and receivables were financed mainly from short-term and long-term debt which together caused total liabilities to rise by 134 percent (more than $600,000). The issuance of new shares and retained earnings accounted for the balance of almost $300,000 increase in total assets. Profitability. The 44 per cent increase in sales did not effectively translate into an improved return on total assets because of the purchase of additional plant and equipment during the year. A corrected return on assets can be obtained by averaging the year 1 and year 2 assets in the computation. With an average asset of $1,447,000, the return on sales would be 8.29 percent instead of 6.33 percent but it is still lower than the previous years level. The growth in net profit margin markedly failed to keep pace with the growth in sales. The return on stockholders equity was slightly lower than the previous years. Judged against the industrys
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Overlapping talk and turns Essay Example for Free
Overlapping talk and turns Essay In face-to-face interactions within one language, when à ° speaker decides to talk, she can do so at almost any moment in the talk of another speaker. Thus, the potential exists for any one speaker to talk when à ° current speaker is already talking. Although many linguists have called this interruption, Bennett (1981) pointed out that when two people talk at the same time, the description of what is happening is overlap, whereas interruption is à ° judgment regarding individuals rights and obligations when speaking. Overlapping talk is not always nor consistently viewed by speakers as interruption ( Edelsky 1981 ; Murray 1985 ; Tannen 1989 ). Many American speakers, women for example, tolerate overlapping speech without labeling it interruption (James and Drakich 199o). The term overlap or overlapping talk, includes both brief spurts of talk and talk which could continue for longer. Instances of overlap include everything from brief listening responses, to indications of understanding or the lack of it, words of agreement or disagreement, and when two speakers begin talking at the same time. In simultaneous interpreting, one kind of overlapping talk is constantinterpreters talk as primary speakers are talking. This kind of simultaneous talk of speaker and interpreter, which, in face-to-face interpreting, can be seen or heard by all participants, is à ° marker of the unusual nature of an interpreting event. This Interlingua overlap becomes an accepted norm of these face-to-face encounters and is not the kind of overlapping talk discussed here. However, another kind of overlap occurs in interpreted encounters which require the interpreter to intervene. This is the overlapping talk that occurs between the two primary speakers. 6 This overlap can easily be understood because two participants can begin simultaneously, respond to anothers talk briefly or at length, ask à ° question, exclaim, and so on. This is not to say that overlapping talk by primary speakers is customary. In fact, it appears that, for the most part, participants in an interpreting situation are aware that something unusual is going on and adjust their usual habits of talkingthat is, they are more cautious about taking à ° turn, and, many times, are never sure when it is their turn. In any language there can be overlapping talk by speakers without noticeable disruption of interaction. But overlapping talk between two speakers in an interpreted meeting forces an interpreter to act. An interpreter cannot interpret two speakers at the same time; thus overlapping talk during interpreting has an impact different from when it occurs in ordinary conversation. When it occurs, two things are immediately apparent: (1) the possibility exist for three people to be talking; and (2) the interpreter must make à ° decision. Then the question is, what does the interpreter do, or rather what choices are available to the interpreter? 1. An interpreter can stop one (or both) speakers and allow the other speaker to continue. If an interpreter stops both speakers, then either the interpreter indicates who speaks next or one of the primary speakers decides who talks next. 2. An interpreter can momentarily ignore one speakers overlapping talk, hold the segment of talk in memory, continue interpreting the other speaker, and then produce the held talk immediately following the end of à ° speakers turn. Decisions about holding talk in ones memory lie within the interpreters ability to do so and the interpreters judgment regarding the importance or impact of the talk to be held in memory. 3. An interpreter can ignore overlapping talk completely. 4. An interpreter can momentarily ignore overlapping talk and upon finishing the interpretation of one speaker, offer the next turn to the other speaker, or indicate in some way that à ° turn was attempted. To stop à ° speaker, an interpreter has to do something, verbally and/or nonverbally, within microseconds of the overlapping talk. Although there may be several strategies in any language for stopping à ° speaker, interpreterââ¬â¢s also have to consider other factors, such as message importance, speaker relationships, and relative status or authority. Inevitably, interpreters have to choose strategies that work in specific situations with specific speakers. Because of the nature of interpreting employment, it is not unusual for interpreters to work in situations where they do not know the speakers or know them only slightly. This forces interpreterââ¬â¢s to learn the factors of à ° situation quickly. Thus, interpreters must know à ° wide range of communicative strategies and, as they learn about interlocutorsjust as interlocutors learn about participating in an interpreted eventthey make decisions about which strategies to use. This example is particularly rich with three instances of overlapping talk between the primary speakers. Two instances of overlap are within the first seven seconds of this segment, brief, and practically imperceptible. The third instance, however, is more dramatic. As three people begin to talk, the Interpreter has to do something. The first overlap occurs as the Professor begins à ° new topic. She has been discussing why the Students work is good but needs some corrections. Then, with almost no hesitation, the Professor switches to à ° new topic, chunking. At the beginning of this segment, YES is the Students response to the Professors previous utterance. As the Student says YES, the Professor simultaneously starts her new topic with Ch- but doesnt complete the word. This is the first instance of overlapping talk as the Professor and Student both utter together. Both contributions are brief; the Professor doesnt even finish her word so there is no need to stop them. The Professor appears to hear and understand the Yes, Ãâ agree rendered by the Interpreter. The second overlap occurs one line later when the Professor and the Student say chunking together. The Interpreter has let the Student know that the Professor is talking about chunking, and as the Professor says, Ãâ have no idea how, she sees the Student shrug; look puzzled, and shake his head. Although she pauses briefly, as she says, chunking again, so does the Student. As they say chunking together, they both see each other speak, and they laugh together briefly. Again, it seems à ° spontaneous occurrence, brief and ending quickly.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Meat Industry Essay Example for Free
Meat Industry Essay People all over the world eat meat for its nutritional value and taste. The United States Department of Agriculture reports that in the year 2011 people in the U.S consumed 25.6 billion pounds of beef. Most of this meat was produced in America. A Holistic approach to food production is important in order to improve the quality of beef. What we feed our cattle, the housing conditions and the slaughter procedure directly impacts our food. What the farmers feed cattle directly affects the quality of beef for the consumer. The cow has many more benefits from eating grass than being fed corn. It is a lot healthier for cows to consume grass because that is what their stomachs are made for. The stomachs have three sections that are made specifically for digesting grass (Healthy Theory -Corn-Fed Vs. Grass-Fed Beef). Today, most cows are put on a diet that is based on corn. The cows used to be fed grass and roam free but since than there have been changes. The idea about feeding cattle grain began during World War II. It all started when farmers were producing more grain than the American population could handle, so the rest of it was fed to cows. It was discovered that feeding a cow different types of grains fattened them up a lot faster than when cows were consuming grass. With a grass fed diet, it takes cows about five years to reach 1,200 pounds. However, with the grain-based diet it takes a cow about 390 days to get to a reachable weight for slaughter (Healthy Theory -Corn-Fed Vs. Grass-Fed Beef). Also, the producer benefits more from feeding his cows corn because it is cheaper than grass. Therefore, a diet based on corn is more cost effective but the quality of meat has less nutritional value (Why Grass Fed- Health Benefits of Grass Fed Beef). The consumer benefits more from meat that comes from cows that consume grass rather than in-taking different types of grains. The cow is a lot healthier and happier when it is eating grass, which results in higher quality meat. Since cowsââ¬â¢ stomachs are meant to break down grass, a corn based diet causes changes in the digestion of a cow leading to serious health problems, such as diarrhea, ulcers, and a weakened immune system. As a result of these issues, the cows are given antibiotics to help prevent this from occurring, which makes the meat unhealthier (Healthy Theory -Corn-F ed Vs. Grass-Fed Beef). Another huge topic of concern is the disregard of animal welfare. These animals arenââ¬â¢t being cared for and they are treated as units of production (Learn About The Issues). In order to fatten up cows in time for slaughter, many farmers put them in feedlots. The conditions these cows go through are unbearable. As many cows as possible are crammed into each pen. The result of this is massive amounts of waste covering the animals living space (The Issues Animal Welfare). This causes the air to be unhealthy and creates many gases and diseases that arenââ¬â¢t wanted. During the whole time the cows are in the feedlot they are breathing in methane gas. Large amounts of methane are bad for animals because it takes away oxygen from the air, which can affect the central nervous system (2- Health Effects of Methane). The alternative is a more holistic way, which allows the cattle to roam around freely on huge pastures until they get fat enough to get slaughtered. In the United States, animal welfare is being ignored, because cows are being treated i n a cruel and unhealthy way. When they are living in the feedlots, they are covered with manure and arenââ¬â¢t being cared for. As soon as cows are fat enough to get slaughtered, they are sent to the closest slaughterhouse. On their journey they are faced with heartbreaking situations. They are often transported from 1,200 to 1,500 miles away in scorching hot weather or freezing temperatures. Dr. Lester Friedlander, a former U.S. Department of Agriculture veterinarian inspector said, ââ¬Å"They are crammed onto trucks and go without food or water for daysâ⬠. When it is cold, they are in the back of a trailer with nothing covering them. As the driver drives sixty miles per hour, cows are being exposed to a variety of extreme weather. Many cows collapse in hot weather. While they are traveling they urinate. After sometime it begins to freeze while their hooves are standing in it. Also, the fur of the cows ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ freezes to the sides of the trucks until workers pry them off with crowbarsâ⬠(Cow Transport and Slaughter). When the cows get to the slaughterhouse, they are often in bad conditions. Most of them are sick and cannot walk because they are too weak. In order to move weak and injured cows they are dragged along with a bulldozer by a chain around their neck or leg. Even though they are in bad shape, cows are still being used for their meat because it means more money in the producerââ¬â¢s pocket. If some of the cows are able to walk, they are still abused. Workers beat them with a metal rod in order to move them faster (The Humane Society of the United States). Also, before they are killed the cows are lined up to wait for their turn to be stunned so that they will pass out before they get slaughtered. Sometimes the stunning procedure does not work. Ramon Moreno, a slaughterhouse worker has stated that he often has to cut the legs off of cows that are completely conscious. ââ¬Å"They blink. They make noises, he says. The head moves, the eyes are wide and looking around. â⬠¦ They die piece by piece. If workers try to report that the cows are still alive they risk loosing their jobs (Cow Transport and Slaughter). After cows reach a certain weight they are ready to be slaughtered for meat consumption. The process of turning cows into packe d meat can cause the meat to be infected. Before they are slaughtered, cows are cleaned. However, in some cases not well enough. The waste of the cow can get into the processed meat that is being cut by the workers. This can contaminate the meat with E-coli, which is a type of bacteria that can lead to death. ââ¬Å"According to Centers for Disease Control estimates, up to 20,400 cases of E. coli infection and 500 deaths from E-coli disease occur annually in the United Statesâ⬠(Escherichia Coli 0157:H7). Another disease that is created in these fast paced industries is mad cow disease. (the issues-slaughterhouses and processing). Mad cow disease affects the cowââ¬â¢s nervous system and it causes the cow to act confused and loose control of the ability to walk (What is Mad Cow Disease). When people eat infected beef they may contract a human version of mad cow disease. It affects the nervous system causing depression and loss of coordination. As it becomes more severe, it causes dementia (The Basics of Mad Cow Disease). With our modern day technology, slaughterhouses are able to kill thousands and thousands of cowââ¬â¢s every day. There are many solutions that can change the food industry to produce their meat in a more animal friendly way. To help cut back more meat being produced in factories, consumers can support local farms by eating food that is grown locally. Holistic farming care for their animals and focus on getting delicious, healthy meat than just producing more and more for profit. The food quality of holistic farmed meat is a lot better because the cows are raised and treated well as opposed to when the animals are abused their whole life. If we really want a change, it is up to Americans to demand that. Currently, laws support the industrial farming methods and lack the attempt of helping small farms grow. An example is that American tax money goes to support research and the operating cost of large food producing companies (Learn About the Issues). In order for there to be a change, citizens need to become aware of the process. Change will happen by the consumer supporting politicians who are looking to change the food industry. Consequently, producers would need to be more focused on the care of the animals than earning as much money as possible. What American farmers feed their cattle, where they raise them and how they get slaughtered directly impacts the quality of our food. It is important for consumers to be aware of the United States food industry because there is so much more behind the food brought to you in the supermarket. If the consumer buys meat that is produced holistically, and legislation puts focus on the care of animals, the food industry will be forced to improve their methods.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Dimensions of Word Meaning
Dimensions of Word Meaning NGUYEN QUANG NGOAN Introduction The issue of defining and clearing the meaning of the words is by no means an easy talk. In other words, words are names or lables for things. Besides, linguists also realize the need to distinguish what a word or expression denotes from what they can be used to refer to, we will identify the difference between denotation and reference. There are many different ideas that the meaning of a word reflects reality or express human conceptualization of reality, as it were. However, we will discuss about various attempts designed to define probably one of the most difficult issues of semantics -meaning. Problems Depending on what it is understood by meaning, we can distinguish two main semantic theories: the referential / denotational approach-meaning is the action of putting words into relationship with the world; the representational /conceptual approach-meaning is the notion, the concept or the mental image of the object or situation in reality as reflected in mans mind. The two basic types of meaning were first mentioned by S. Stati in 1971- referential definitions which analyse meaning in terms of the relation symbol- object /referent; conceptual definitions which regard the relation symbol- thought/reference. 2.1 .Denotational /Referential Theories of Meaning. Before describing the characteristics of these theories, a clarification of the terms used is necessary. All languages allow speakers to describe or model aspects of what they perceive. In semantics the action of picking out or identifying individuals/ locations with words is called referring/denoting. To some linguists the two terms, denote and refer are synonymous. J. Saeed (1997: 23) gives two examples of proper names whose corresponding referents are easily recognizable e. g. I saw Michael Jackson on TV last night. We have just flown back from Paris. The underlined words refer to/denote the famous singer, respectively the capital of France, even if in some contexts they may be used to designate a person different from the singer, or a locality other than the capital of France. To John Lyons the terms denote and refer are not synonymous. The former is used to express the relationship linguistic expression- world, whereas the latter is used for the action of a speaker in picking out entities in the world. In the example A sparrow flew into the room. A sparrow and the room are NPs that refer to things in the world.; room, sparrow denote classes of items. In conclusion, referring is what speakers do and denoting is a propertyof words. Denotation is a stable relationship in a language, it doesnt depend on anyones use of the word unlike the action of referring. Returning to the problem of theories of meaning, they are called referential/ denotational when their basic premise is that we can give the meaning of words and sentences by showing how they relate to situations- proper names denote individuals, nouns denote entities or sets of individuals, verbs denote actions, adverbs denote properties of actions, adjectives denote properties of individuals-.In case of sentences, they denote situations and events. The difference in meaning between a sentence and its negative counterpart arises from the fact that they describe two situations e. g. There is a book on the shelf. There isnt a book on the shelf. Referential theories consider meaning to be something outside the world itself, an extra-linguistic entity. This means reducing the linguistic sign, i. e. the word to its material aspect, be it phonic or graphic. The impossibility of equating meaning with the object denoted by a given word can be explained considering three major reasons the identity meaning-object would leave meaning to a large extent undefined because not all the characteristic traits of an object as an extra- linguistic reality are identical with the distinctive features of lexical meaning; not all words have a referent in the outside world; there are: non- referring expressions so, very, maybe, if, not, etc. referring expressions used generically: e. g. A murder is a serious felony. words like nouns, pronouns with variable reference depending on the context: e. g. The president decides on the foreign policy. She didnt know what to say. words which have no corresponding object in the real world in general or at a certain moment: e. g. The unicorn is a mythical animal. She wants to make a cake this evening. different expressions/words that can be used for the same referent, the meaning reflecting the perspective from which the referent is viewed e. g. The morning star is the same thing as the evening star. The president of the USA/ George Bush/ Barbara Bushs husband was to deliver a speech. Besides the referential differences between expressions, we can make useful distinctions among the things referred to by expressions-referent thing picked out by uttering the expression in a particular context; extension of an expression = set of things which could possibly be the referent of that expression. In Lyons terminology the relationship between an expression and its extension is called denotation.(Saeed 1997: 27) A distinction currently made by modern linguists is that between the denotation of a word and the connotations associated with it. For most linguists, denotation represents the cognitive or communicative aspect of meaning (Schaff 1965), while connotation stands for the emotional overtones a speaker usually associates with each individual use of a word. Denotative meaning accounts for the relationship between the linguistic sign and its denotatum. But one shouldnt equate denotation with the denotatum.What is the denotation of a word which has no denotatum. As far as the attitude of the speaker is concerned, denotation is regarded as neutral, since its function is simply to convey the informational load carried by a word. The connotative aspects of meaning are highly subjective, springing from personal experiences, which a speaker has had of a given word and also from his/her attitude towards his/ her utterance and/ or towards the interlocutors (Leech, 1990: 14). For example dwelling, house, home, abode, residence have the same denotation but different connotations. Given their highly individual nature, connotations seem to be unrepeatable but, on the other hand, in many instances, the social nature of individual experience makes some connotative shades of meaning shared by practically all the speakers of a language. It is very difficult to draw a hard line between denotation and connotation in meaning analysis, due to the fact that elements of connotation are drawn into what is referred to as basic, denotative meaning. By taking into account connotative overtones of meaning, its analysis has been introduced a new dimension, the pragmatic one. Talking about reference involves talking about nominals- names and noun phrases. They are labels for people, places, etc. Context is important in the use of names; names are definite in that they carry the speakers assumption that his/ her audience can identify the referent (Saeed, 1997: 28). 2.2.The Relationship Between Sense And Reference The referent of an expression is often a thing or person in the world. The sense of an expression is not a thing at all it is an abstraction that can be entertained in the mind of a language users. Its difficult to say what sort of entity the sense of an expression it isà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦it is useful to think of sense as that is a part of meaning of an expression that is left over when reference is factored out. Its much easier to say whether or not expressions have the same sense. Connotation and denotation revisited We have discussed the meaning of a word, it helps to know the difference between denotation and connotation. These two terms are easy to confuse because they describe related concepts. Moreover, both denotation and connotation stem from the Latin word. The connotation of a word is the additional meaning that the word has beyond its denotative meaning. It shows peoples emotion and/or attitudes towards what the word refers to. The Denotation of a word is the core, central or referential meaning of the world found in a dictionary. In English, a content word may have its denotation described in term of a set of semantic features that serve to identify the particular concept associated with the word For example, the words home and house have similar denotations or primary meanings: a home is a shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household, and a house is a building in which people live. However, these terms carry different associations or secondary meanings, also known as connotations. Many people would agree that home connotes a sense of belonging and comfort, whereas house conveys little more than a structure. The connotation of a word depends on cultural context and personal associations, but the denotation of a word is its standardized meaning within the English language. The change and development of meaning 3.1 .Change of meaning The development of vocabulary is the first of all reflected in the development of semantic structure of the words: new meaning of the words appear, some old meanings drop out of the language of coexist with the new ones. The first is extending the meanings of existing words or acquisition of new meaning by existing words based on the occurrence of a relationship between the old and new meaning. For example: 1. She turned a cold face to me 2. My brother is a pig => Semantic extensions Occurrence of a relationship between the old and new meaning 3.2. Causes of semantic change The factors accounting for semantic changes may be subdivided into three main groups: a. Extra-linguistic causes : various changes in the life of the speech community changes in economic and social structures changes in culture, knowledge, technology, arts changes of ideas, scientific concepts, way of life b. Linguistic factors : Ellipsis a change of meaning when the meaning of a word-combination is given to only one word of this combination For example: daily daily happening every day a daily newspaper daily a daily newspaper Discrimination of synonyms conflict of synonyms when a perfect synonym of a native word is borrowed from other language. For example: tide OE tide 1)time 2)season 3)hour from French time, season, hour Modern English tide regular rise and fall of the sea caused by the moon c. One more linguistic cause of semantic change is called fixed context. E.g. the word token brought into competition with the word sign and became restricted in use to a number of set expressions, such as love token, token of respect etc. and also became specialized in meaning. 3.3. Nature of semantic change: a. Restriction of meaning (narrowing) restriction of the types or referents denoted by the word. It can be illustrated by the semantic development of the word hound which used to denote dog of any breed but now denotes only a dog used in the chase. If the word with a new restricted meaning comes to be used in the specialized vocabulary of some limited group within the speech community it is usual to speak of the specialization of meaning. b. Extension of meaning (widening ) application of the word to wider variety of referents It may be illustrated by the word target which originally meant a small round shield but now means anything that is fired at. If the word with extended meaning passed from the specialized vocabulary into common use, the result of the semantic change is described as generalization of meaning. The connotational meaning may be changed in two ways as follows: Amelioration (elevation) of meaning implies the improvement of the connotational component of meaning, e.g. the word minister originally denoted a servant but now a civil servant of higher rank, a person administrating a department of state. Deterioration (degradation) of the meaning implies the acquisition by the word of some derogatory emotive charge, e.g. the word boor was originally to denote a peasant and then acquired a derogatory connotational meaning and came to denote a clumsy or ill-bred fellow. Transference of meaning 4.1. Definition of metaphor: The other perspective from which we can approach semantic change is the nature of the change or the connection between the new and the old meaning. We also call this feature a transfer. The meaning can be transferred from the original to the new position via three main types of association: Metaphor is the semantic change based on the association of similarity between referents the meaning is transferred on the basic of the fact that the two referents resemble on onother. The basic structure of the metaphor is very simple. There is a thing we are talking about and that to which we are comparing it. The transference may be based on similarity of Shape. E.g: head of a cabbage, crane bulb, the teeth of a saw Position. E.g: the foot of mountain Movement. E.g: caterpillar of a tank. Function. E.g: the key to the mystery Colour. E.g: orange, rose. Size. E.g: midget, elephantine The names of the parts of human body are transferred to others objects ( the nose of a plane, the leg of the table) The names of animals are also often transferred to the human beings ( A cunning person is a fox, a spiteful person is a snake, a rude person is a bear, a hard-working person is a bee or a beaver, birds view, crocodile tears) Proper names transferred to common ones( a jealous person is called an Othello, an eloquent speaker is a Cicero.) 4.1.2. The differences between similes and metaphors Both compare things that are essentially unlike. Metaphor implies the comparison hidden comparison ( no formal element of comparison) Simile expresses the comparison by the use of some word or phrase like, as, than, similar to, resembles, seems. For example My love is a rose -> metaphor My love is like a rose -> comparison 4.1.3.The classifications of metaphor Living ( poetic, individual) when a word is used in unusual meaning and metaphor is felt E.g: Peace is our fortress. Faded (trite) metaphor is one which lost its freshness because of long use and became habitual E.g: Fruitful effort, golden youth, to fall in love Dead metaphor where metaphoric sense is not felt. Dead metaphor are words which lost their direct meaning and are used only figuratively E.g: To ponder originally meant to weigh, but it is used now only in the meaning to mediate, to consider thoughtfully 4.2. Definition of metonymy Metonymy (contiguity of meaning) the name of an attribute of a thing is used instead of the thing itself. In other words, metonymy can be defined as the substitution of one word for another with which it is associated. For example Hollywood is used as a metonym (an instance of metonymy) for American cinema, because of the fame and cultural identity of Hollywood, as the historical center of movie studios and movie stars. Proper names as metonymy can be illustrated by : read Shakspeare, listen to Mozart, it was a Waterlooà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Major cases of metonymy: Use the name of container instead of the thing contained: E.g: to drink a glass, 2. Names of parts of human body may be used as symbols E.g: clever head, kind heart, 3. The concrete is used instead of abstract E.g: Let me give you a hand; to go to bed 4. The materials are used for the things is made of the materials E.g: glass 5. The name of the author is used for his works. E.g: Picasso, Ampere, Watts 6. Part is used for the whole and vice versa E.g: We all live under the same roof. She is wearing a fox. 7. The instrument which the doer uses in performing E.g. she is a good piano, 8. Other types: E.g: He always running after the skirt. ( a woman or girl) Other types of meaning tranfer are: Eponymy (functional change) common words are derived from proper nouns, e.g.: sandwich, china, rugby, White House (American government). Personification assigning human qualities to things, e.g.: the paper saysà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Euphemisms the need for a less expressive word, substitution of words which can be harmful for words with milder connotations, e.g.: restroom (toilet), pass away (die), sleep with à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ (have a sexual intercourse withà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦) Hyperbole exaggeration of meaning, statement not to be taken literally, e.g.: wait for ages, weight a ton, Ill kill him when I see himà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Litotes the opposite of hyperbole, the understatement which can be often ironical or moderating, e.g.: It wasnt bad (in the sense of It was good), Shes not stupid (Shes rather smart)à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ REFERENCES Hoa Nguyen, (2004). Understanding English Semantics. Hanoi: Nxb.Ãâà HQG Hà Nà ¡Ã »Ã¢â ¢i. Lyons, J (1968). Introdution to Theoretical Linguistics. London and New York: CPU Lyons, J (1995). Linguistic Semantics: An introduction. London : CUP
Monday, August 19, 2019
A Promise Is A Promise :: Personal Narrative Death Friendships Papers
A Promise Is A Promise The room was ridiculously cold and my skin was damp against the sheets. No matter how extreme the temperature, I am addicted to the calming lull of the air conditioner as I sleep. Itââ¬â¢s what they call my ââ¬Å"white noise.â⬠The afternoon sun was playing peek-a-boo with the clouds as its rays snuck in through the blinds. The muscles in my neck and shoulders were throbbing. I was still trying to get used to my awkward dorm room bed. A muffled voice traveled through the paper-thin brick wall and the sound of familiar music took center stage in my dreams. At first, I was pissed off because my new neighbor was interrupting my precious nap, but I soon realized that I had a special attachment to the song she was singing. It instantly reminded me of an old friend. As I drifted back to sleep, I began to dream about a childhood memory. I remember feeling as if the day was never going to end. Even now as an adult, my concentration still seems to plummet as the weekend approaches. At that time in my life, the degree of patience I could sustain had only been maturing for ten short years. I made that particular school day even more unnecessarily dramatic than usual since I knew it wasnââ¬â¢t just an average Friday. Instead of going to my house after school as usual, I was going home with my best friend. After hours of literally twiddling my thumbs (like I said, I was a dramatic child), we were finally standing outside at the parent pick-up location with the other eager elementary students. My book bag was light on my back, which meant there was no homework in store for me tonight. All I had to look forward to was a sleepover filled with PG-13 movies, a nauseating amount of Reeseââ¬â¢s Pieces and Mountain Dew, and prank phone calls to random boys who were also in Mrs. Webbââ¬â¢s fifth grade class. I loved prank phone calls. As I bent down to tie my shoelace, a slippery raindrop slithered down my lightly freckled cheek. Before I had the chance to look up at the silver sky, the clouds exploded like champagne flowing over the edge of a bottle. Renee grabbed my hand, and we darted off as fast as our little legs could run. As I hopped into the middle of the backseat, the scent of the brand new car continued to saturate my already moist pores. A Promise Is A Promise :: Personal Narrative Death Friendships Papers A Promise Is A Promise The room was ridiculously cold and my skin was damp against the sheets. No matter how extreme the temperature, I am addicted to the calming lull of the air conditioner as I sleep. Itââ¬â¢s what they call my ââ¬Å"white noise.â⬠The afternoon sun was playing peek-a-boo with the clouds as its rays snuck in through the blinds. The muscles in my neck and shoulders were throbbing. I was still trying to get used to my awkward dorm room bed. A muffled voice traveled through the paper-thin brick wall and the sound of familiar music took center stage in my dreams. At first, I was pissed off because my new neighbor was interrupting my precious nap, but I soon realized that I had a special attachment to the song she was singing. It instantly reminded me of an old friend. As I drifted back to sleep, I began to dream about a childhood memory. I remember feeling as if the day was never going to end. Even now as an adult, my concentration still seems to plummet as the weekend approaches. At that time in my life, the degree of patience I could sustain had only been maturing for ten short years. I made that particular school day even more unnecessarily dramatic than usual since I knew it wasnââ¬â¢t just an average Friday. Instead of going to my house after school as usual, I was going home with my best friend. After hours of literally twiddling my thumbs (like I said, I was a dramatic child), we were finally standing outside at the parent pick-up location with the other eager elementary students. My book bag was light on my back, which meant there was no homework in store for me tonight. All I had to look forward to was a sleepover filled with PG-13 movies, a nauseating amount of Reeseââ¬â¢s Pieces and Mountain Dew, and prank phone calls to random boys who were also in Mrs. Webbââ¬â¢s fifth grade class. I loved prank phone calls. As I bent down to tie my shoelace, a slippery raindrop slithered down my lightly freckled cheek. Before I had the chance to look up at the silver sky, the clouds exploded like champagne flowing over the edge of a bottle. Renee grabbed my hand, and we darted off as fast as our little legs could run. As I hopped into the middle of the backseat, the scent of the brand new car continued to saturate my already moist pores.
To Kill a Mockingbird Provides Insight into the Past Essay -- Literary
Historically based novels give people insight into how things were many years ago. For example To Kill a Mocking-Bird by Harper Lee would be relevant to a person studying America in the early twentieth century. The story is set in Maycomb County, Alabama in the 1930ââ¬â¢s around the time that the author herself was growing up and while the book is based on her life, she found inspiration for the setting, characters and storyline in event s that took place in her own childhood. For example in 1931 when Harper Lee was five, nine black men were accused of Raping two white women. Five out of the nine men were given long prison sentences. Also the character Dill is based on Harper Leeââ¬â¢s childhood friend Truman Capote. At the time when To Kill a Mocking-Bird was released at a time when in Alabama, Harper Leeââ¬â¢s home state there was still a lot of racial tension. The south was still segregated and black people were not allowed to use the same facilities as the white people a nd the Civil rights movement was becoming bigger. To Kill a Mocking-Bird is narrated by Jean Louise ââ¬Å"Scoutâ⬠Finch. Scoutââ¬â¢s father, Atticus Finch, is a lawyer. Scout, her brother Jem and their cousin Dill are fascinated by the house opposite theirs, Nathan Radleyââ¬â¢s house, and the stories that go with it about Nathanââ¬â¢s brother Arthur ââ¬Å"Booâ⬠Radley who has lived inside for many years without coming out. One night at the end of summer the children sneak onto the Radley property and are shot at by Nathan Radley who mistakenly believes them to be thieves, while running away Jemââ¬â¢s pants are caught on a fence and they are forced to leave them behind. The next day when he returns to collect them, they are neatly and folded and fixed. Later, in winter, Jem and Scout are standin... ...g-Bird is loosely based on Harper Leeââ¬â¢s childhood. By reading it we learn a lot about how Harper Lee grew up and how she viewed the events that took place during her childhood. The only criticism of To Kill a Mocking Bird is that the narrator, Scout, did not act, speak, or think like a six year old. The story is only based in truth and Harper Lee has only got inspiration from events and people from the past for her story, none of the events or people in the story ever existed. Historical novels can provide a very good source of information to people who are studying the past. To Kill a Mocking-Bird is only roughly based on and inspired by events and a person of the past, but still provides valuable insight into the time in which it was set. By reading a historical novel such as To Kill a Mocking-Bird it is possible to better understand the events of the past.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Confronting Fear in Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now :: Movie Film comparison compare contrast
Confronting Fear in Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now à Inherent inside every human soul is a savage evil side that remains repressed by society. Often this evil side breaks out during times of isolation from our culture, and whenever one culture confronts another. History is loaded with examples of atrocities that have occurred when one culture comes into contact with another. Whenever fundamentally different cultures meet, there is often a fear of contamination and loss of self that leads us to discover more about our true selves, often causing perceived madness by those who have yet to discover. The Puritans left Europe in hopes of finding a new world to welcome them and their beliefs. What they found was a vast new world, loaded with Indian cultures new to them. This overwhelming cultural interaction caused some Puritans to go mad and try to purge themselves of a perceived evil. This came to be known as the Salem witch trials. During World War II, Germany made an attempt to overrun Europe. What happened when the Nazis came into power and persecuted the Jews in Germany, Austria and Poland is well known as the Holocaust. Here, human's evil side provides one of the scariest occurrences of this century. Adolf Hitler and his Nazi counterparts conducted raids of the ghettos to locate and often exterminate any Jews they found. Although Jews are the most widely known victims of the Holocaust, they were not the only targets. When the war ended, 6 million Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Communists, and others targeted by the Nazis, had died in the Holocaust. Most of these deaths occurred in gas chambers and mass shootings. This gruesome attack was motivated mainly by the fear of cultural intermixing which would impurify the "Master Race." Joseph Conrad's book, The Heart of Darkness and Francis Coppola's movie, Apocalypse Now are both stories about Man's journey into his self, and the discoveries to be made there. They are also about Man confronting his fears of failure, insanity, death, and cultural contamination. During Marlow's mission to find Kurtz, he is also trying to find himself. He, like Kurtz had good intentions upon entering the Congo. Conrad tries to show us that Marlow is what Kurtz had been, and Kurtz is what Marlow could become. Every human has a little of Marlow and Kurtz in them.à Marlow says about himself, "I was getting savage (Conrad)," meaning that he was becoming more like Kurtz.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Absorption and Variable Costing
CHAPTER 8 ABSORPTION AND VARIABLE COSTING Learning Objectives 1. Explain the accounting treatment of fixed manufacturing overhead under absorption and variable costing. 2. Prepare an income statement under absorption costing. 3. Prepare an income statement under variable costing. 4. Reconcile reported income under absorption and variable costing. 5. Explain the implications of absorption and variable costing for cost-volume-profit analysis. 6. Evaluate absorption and variable costing. 7. Explain the rationale behind throughput costing. . Prepare an income statement under throughput costing. Chapter Overview I. Product Cost and Fixed Manufacturing Overhead A. Absorption-costing income statements B. Variable-costing income statements II. Reconciliation of Absorption- and Variable-Costing Income A. No change in inventory levels B. Increase in inventory levels C. Decrease in inventory levels III. Overall Evaluation of Absorption and Variable Costing IV. Throughput Costing Key Lecture Concepts 1. PRODUCT COST AND FIXED MANUFACTURING OVERHEAD Product, or manufacturing, costs are comprised of direct materials, direct labor, variable manufacturing overhead, and fixed manufacturing overhead. The basic difference between absorption and variable costing is the treatment of fixed manufacturing overhead. * With absorption (full) costing, all costs related to the manufacture of a good are product costs. Therefore, fixed manufacturing overhead attaches to the units being made and is carried in inventory until the product is sold. * Absorption costing results in the preparation of a traditional income statement. Absorption costing is considered GAAP and is acceptable for tax reporting. * Under variable costing, product cost is comprised solely of variable manufacturing costs. Fixed manufacturing overhead is viewed as a cost of being ready to produce, not an actual production cost (i. e. , the cost will remain constant no matter how many units are manufactured). * Fixed manufacturing overhead is treated as a period cost and expensed immediately. * The income statement highlights cost behavior and is presented in a contribution margin format. Variable costing is useful to managers, as it dovetails nicely with cost-volume-profit analysis. 2. RECONCILIATION OF ABSORPTION- AND VARIABLE-COSTING INCOME * The difference between the two approaches is the timing of when fixed manufacturing overhead is shown on the income statement: when the product is sold under absorption costing and when incurred under variable costing. * The two methods will usually produce different income figures. * No change in inventory: production = sales * Under variable costing, all fixed manufacturing overhead is expensed.With absorption costing, the period's fixed overhead flows through to cost of goods sold. * Absorption-costing net income equals variable-costing net income. * Increase in inventory: production ; sales * Under variable costing, all fixed manufacturing overhead is expensed. With absorption costing, a portion of the period's fixed overhead flows through to cost of goods sold and a portion remains on the balance sheet in inventory. * Absorption-costing net income is greater than variable-costing net income. * Decrease in inventory: sales > production Under variable costing, all fixed manufact uring overhead is expensed. With absorption costing, as units manufactured in a prior period are sold, an amount greater than the current period's fixed overhead flows through to cost of goods sold. * Absorption-costing net income is less than variable-costing net income. * The difference between absorption- and variable-costing income figures can be reconciled as follows: Income difference = Inventory change in units x Fixed overhead per unit The difference is likely to be very small over a lengthy time period.3. OVERALL EVALUATION OF ABSORPTION AND VARIABLE COSTING* Pricing decisions * Absorption-cost proponents argue that fixed manufacturing overhead is a necessary production cost. Excluding this element from the inventoried cost of a product will understate the good's cost, which is troublesome for companies that use cost-based pricing techniques. * Variable-cost proponents argue that variable cost is better for pricing decisions. Any price above a good's variable cost results i n a positive contribution margin for the company. Many firms use variable costing for internal-reporting purposes. Given that absorption costing must be employed for external financial reporting, companies can use both methods by making several simple end-of-period adjustments. 1 If a company operates in a just-in-time environment, inventories are kept very low and there will be little change in inventory from period to period. Thus, the income differences between absorption and variable costing will normally be insignificant.4. THROUGHPUT COSTING Throughput costing assigns only the unit-level spending for direct costs as the cost of products or services. * A unit-level cost is incurred every time that a unit of product is manufactured. * All costs other than the throughput cost are considered to be operating expenses of the period. * Proponents of throughput costing argue that this procedure eliminates the incentive to produce excess inventory because all non-throughput costs are e xpensed regardless of manufacturing volume.
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Latest Developments of Air Transport
The commercial airline industry has grown from a few aircraft to that of a multi-billion pound industry. The Boeing 707 began a revolution in air travel when it entered service in1958.It was the first commercially successful jet aircraft. Since then aircraft manufacturers have strived to provide larger and more economical planes to aircraft companies. The basic appearance of commercial airliners has not changed much for over 50 years. Nevertheless, there has been a considerable increase in innovations and new technology within the aerospace industry. Advancements in engine efficiency, aerodynamics and new materials have all led to a significantly lower operating cost per seat mile of commercial aircraft. There have been a number of significant innovations, especially on the Boeing 787, the latest wide body jet to enter service. Composite materials are now been used in the commercial aircraft industry. The Boeing 787 is primarily constructed from composite materials. They are used in most primary structures, particularly the fuselage (see fig1). By using a unique one piece composite barrel construction, (See fig 2) the 787 eliminates the need for any fuselage lap joints, doubler longitudinal skin splices. This has a dramatic reduction in weight and drag. In addition, it also significantly reduces the amount of maintenance and inspections required. Panel construction in aircraft such as the Boeing 707 requires additional joints, fasteners and splice plates, resulting in increased weight and inspections. An example of a composite, which is used on the Boeing 787 is carbon laminate. It comprises of layers of carbon fibre that are impregnated with a polymer. Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopaedia.. 2011. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20th Novemberr 2011]. The use of composite materials ensures many advantages. They are lighter, stronger, do not corrode or fatigue, resist impacts better and are easier to examine during an inspection, compared with aluminium. Minor damage can be repaired at in less than an hour. Fig1 Corpu, (2007), plane [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 01 December 11]. Fig 2 New Airplane, (2007), 21st Century Fuselage Construction [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 01 December 11]. The most critical expense areas for aircraft fleets are fuel, maintenance and its residual costs. New aircraft have been designed and manufactured to lower these costs. Maintenance tasks have been reduced by 30 per cent, and inspections are required less frequently. A good example of this is the 787 which does not require its first heavy maintenance check until after 12 years of service. Another advantage of using composite materials, especially in the wing structure is that it gives aircraft such as the 787 a higher aspect ratio than previous aircraft, resulting in a higher Coefficient of Lift. A lighter aircraft will reduce fuel costs and therefore have a positive effect on the range equation. Advancements in aerodynamics have led to an increase in the overall efficiency of aircraft, becoming more fuel efficient by reducing drag. Components such as winglets and wingtip fences decrease vortices created at the wing tips which cause aerodynamic drag. Winglets | Airbus, a leading aircraft manufacturer. 2011. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24th November 2011]. Raked wing tips create a greater degree of sweep on an aircraft wing. This enhances the wings efficiency, by increasing the aspect ratio of the wing, therefore decreasing the amount of lift induced drag produced by the aircraft. This kind of drag can be reduced by up to 6%.with the implication of raked wing tips. Blended winglets can be attached to the wing giving a level curve in place of a sharp angle reducing interference drag at the wing. Wikipedia. 2011. Wikipedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24th November 2011]. Riblet technology is a surface modification which consists of minute streamwise ridges and valleys, it has been proven to reduce local turbulent skin friction by up to 6 % . Houghton, E.L, 2003. Aerodynamics for Engineering Students. 5th ed. Oxford: Heinemann (book publisher). On the Boeing 767 double drooped slotted fowler flaps are used, whereas on the later 787 a simple hinged flap with drooping spoilers are used creating smoother wing technology. This results in a decrease in fuel consumption, weight, smaller fairings and fewer parts therefore reducing maintenance. [pdf ]. [Accessed 24th November 2011]. Recently Airbus has completed the first flight of its A320 test aircraft equipped with ââ¬Ësharklet' wing-tip. The sharklets can cut fuel burn by up to 3.5% over the current configuration with wing-tip fences and increase the maximum take-off weight by up to 3 tonnes. The engine with the higher value of specific impulse (Isp) is more efficient because it produces more thrust for the same amount of fuel. A higher or more favourable L/D ratio is typically one of the major goals in aircraft design. Using these higher values will obviously increase the range of an aircraft. The latest propulsion systems have advanced, improving the economics of aircraft. Early jet airliners had turbojet engines. These engines operated well at high altitudes and speeds, but had had a high fuel burn rate. When the turbo fan engine was introduced it could move a greater amount of air at lower speeds, than the turbo jet engine, as it had a large fan attached on the front. By enclosing the fan inside a cowling, the aerodynamics was better controlled. This reduced fuel consumption, compared to a turbojet. The next-generation engine technology is provided by Boeing's engine partners, General Electric and Rolls-Royce. The latest engines being the Rolls Royce Trent 1000 and the General Electric GEnx. These engines incorporate a bypass ratio of about 10, compared to the first turbo fan engines having ratios of about 7. The higher bypass ratio allows the engine to be quieter, with significantly reduce fuel consumption. This lowers cost for the 787 operators and reduces emissions, lessening the environmental impact of the aircraft. Chevrons on the nacelles significantly reduce shock cell noise in the aft cabin. Both the Trent 1000 and the GEnx engines are interchangeable at the wing of the 787. This reduces operating costs and gives the 787 liquidity and strong residual value. Both the Rolls Royce Trent 1000 and the GEnx eliminate the engine bleed air system and associated pneumatic system. This improves the reliability and efficiency of the aircraft by further reducing fuel consumption and maintenance costs. The electric system improves efficiency by removing only the power actually needed during each phase of flight. The aircraft have a health management system which monitors the electrical systems, improving the aircrafts productivity. General Electric recently delivered a new innovation in technology producing advanced composite material fan blades .The process results in a 100% defect-free, carbon-reinforced epoxy blade , which means no voids in the fibres. In order to accomplish this, advanced sensor and data acquisition systems were used. This technology will continue to be used on wide-body aircraft of the future, Resulting in lower cost, and greater efficiency. Duncan, Tom, 2010. Engines of Today. Commercial Airliners, 2, 8. An innovation to watch out for in the near future is the use of Titanium aluminide turbine blades. Titanium aluminideââ¬â¢s low density means that a turbine blade will be about half the weight of a blade made from a traditional nickel alloy blades. Reducing the density and the weight of an aircraft engine has huge benefits. Materials of the Future ââ¬â Online Stuff ââ¬â Science Museum London . 2011.. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 December 2011] Using the range equation you can calculate the range of an aircraft, if you have the value of the following components. R = distance flown (m) u = velocity (m/s) Isp = specific impulse (s) L/D = lift-to-drag ratio (dimensionless) Winitial = gross aircraft weight at the start of cruise (kg) Wfinal = gross weight at the end of cruise (kg) Houghton, E.L.H, 2003. Aerodynamics for engineering students.. 5th ed. Great Britain: Heinemann (book publisher) The engine with the higher value of specific impulse (Isp) is more efficient because it produces more thrust for the same amount of fuel. A higher or more favourable L/D ratio is typically one of the major goals in aircraft design. Using these higher values will obviously increase the range of an aircraft. The appearance of aircraft has not changed much over 50 years because when it was first designed the cone shaped fuselage with wings attached had good design and technology features. The process of designing and producing a new aircraft is very expensive and risky. There is enormous economic risk along with a large investment and liability risk. The (you bet your company curve) plot below shows the cumulative gain or loss in an aircraft project during its life. It was recently estimated that a new large airplane project at Boeing would take 20 billion dollars to develop. Origins of Commercial Aircraft. 2011. Origins of Commercial Aircraft. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed13 December 2011] Aircraft manufacturing companies are not likely to take risks on projects that rely on unproven technology. This is the reason that innovative concepts are not likely to be tried out on the next generation of commercial airliners and why aircraft such as the 787 look so much like the Boeing 707. Customers of commercial aircraft manufacturers can sell their planes which are basically the same appearance as 50 years ago. There is not enough financial gain to design an aircraft with a different appearance. In addition, passengers may prefer to board an aircraft that consist of a tube with wings rather than an aircraft in the shape of a large triangle. The new 787 Dreamliner is a prime example of how innovations in new airframe and propulsion technology can lead to a more efficient aircraft. From innovative composite materials to aerodynamics to propulsion technology the 787 has become 70% more fuel efficient than the 1950s-era four-engine Pratt & Whitney JT3D-powered Boeing 707s. This has considerably increased revenue potential through significantly better performance, improved fuel efficiency and lowered maintenance decreasing operating cost per seat mile of commercial aircraft.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Intelligence Agencies and Just War on Terrorism Essay
America and its allies face à ° world that has become more and more dangerous with its weapons of mass destruction and à ° shadowy world of terrorists more than willing to use them. The wisdom of the past does not have the prescience or universal insight to deal with this new threat. America and its allies must change direction if they wish to respond to the challenge in an effective manner, even if it means employing policies that seemed dubious in the past. The state is called to protect its citizens in à ° Machiavellian world, filled with depravity and compromise. The church is called to submit to the superior wisdom of those who have the special intelligence, experience and expertise to handle the current crisis. Our forefathers came from Europe to settle in à ° wilderness that was not always hospitable. Death was imminent, and survival was uppermost on all their minds. The settlement in Jamestown, after the death of Powhatan, suffered an unprovoked attack at the hands of the Native Americans in 1622, in which some 375 settlers were massacred. The immediate response was to make à ° perfidious treaty with the natives and then starve them by burning their crops late that summer. It was à ° matter of survival. It was either ââ¬Ëus or themââ¬â¢. (Amit 2003 127) ââ¬Å"The same policy was followed by the Puritans of Massachusetts when the Pequot Indians, à ° most war-like people, presented an imminent threat in the mind of these settlers. Rather than wait around to die, they proceeded to attack them first, killing in one horrific conflagration of à ° Pequot fort some 4oo men, women and children. The exact motives behind the massacre remain unclear, but no doubt survival was uppermost in their minds. Today the situation that confronts the American people is not so different. It is similar to that of their ancestors in many ways and direr in regard to the number of lives at stake. one can debate whether the times have ââ¬Ëwaxed worse and worseââ¬â¢, but it is beyond question that the times have proved ââ¬Ëmore and more criticalââ¬â¢ with their weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and the ever-increasing number of potential users. The nation of Israel felt this threat in 1981 when it conducted à ° pre-emptive strike against an Iraqi nuclear reactor. The United States roundly condemned the action at the time, but with the threat now facing them from this and other rogue nations à ° new policy has emerged. The nefarious intentions of the Iraqi regime are apparent to most observers. It appears as if this regime plans to continue the production of WMD and deliver these weapons themselves or distribute them through the shadowy world of terrorist networks to designated targets in this clandestine manner. The signs of the times are all around us. Iraq already has violated over fifty UN resolutions to date. The UN inspectors revealed that Saddam was vigorously working on à ° stockpile of WMDââ¬âchemical, biological and nuclear, and by the mid-9os he began to deny them access to his supply. He already has used these weapons against his own people and waves of foot soldiers in his war with Iran. He has pledged on à ° number of occasions to bring destruction upon the United States, and even planned the assassination of its former president, George Bush. He has subsidized and continues to support terrorist groups throughout the region, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad according to seized Palestinian documents. His relation to terrorism is à ° matter of grave concern. ââ¬Å"(Rahul 2002 37-44) It provides à ° special channel to deliver and promote his wicked designs, Bin Laden has called it à ° ââ¬Ëreligious dutyââ¬â¢ for his minions to obtain and use WMD against the infidels, but he knows that his terrorist network needs help. It is only in the movies that Dr No is able to create the facilities to manufacture and deliver WMD. In the real world of terrorism, the capacity to make and utilize these weapons requires the help of à ° government. Aum Shinrikyo, à ° Japanese cult, tried to kill thousands of commuters with à ° potent nerve agent but managed to kill only à ° dozen after spending somewhere around thirty million dollars. The loss of these lives was tragic but much less than expected and displayed the complexity of operations using these agents. The cult was not able to produce the chemical (sarin) in sufficient purity and resorted to using à ° most primitive delivery systemââ¬âcarrying it on à ° train and piercing bags of it with tips of umbrellas. à government working with à ° terrorist organization would produce à ° more lethal combination. 3 In light of this threat, it appears as if the only long-term solution is to eliminate the regime in Baghdad. Some would argue that there is no need to rush into war. But one wonders how realistic this option is in view of the track record of the regime. Is it realistic to believe that Iraq would comply with inspectors? It did not the first time around, not in toto, would the UN impose the necessary sanctions and penalties if it did not? Or would it ignore certain closed doors and cave in as it did before to Iraqi demands? And even if unmolested, would the inspectors catch the regime in its lies, knowing that it is likely to play à ° shell game and was given four years to hide its weapons? (Bruce 2003 44) Donneââ¬â¢s fatalistic maxim succinctly defines the essential context that modern intelligence services function within, and the variables determining their relative fortunes. Their experiences suggest that they are very human institutions largely shaped by the vagaries of circumstances beyond their control, not to mention misfortune and luck. As refined information used by the state to further national goals and policies, intelligence is directed, collected, analyzed and disseminated (the ââ¬Ëintelligence cycleââ¬â¢) within the milieu of international politics. Intelligence work must therefore function within the ââ¬Ëanarchical societyââ¬â¢ of Great Powers. 1 Equally significant is the extent to which intelligence functionaries serve at the mercy of their policy masters. The intelligence officers themselves, in their various professional incarnations, are the ââ¬Ëdesperate menââ¬â¢ in this formulation, striving as they do to carry out their risky and/or problematic duties in the face of inertia and outright opposition on the part of rivals, enemies, and occasionally their own countrymen. It is unlikely that any intelligence service in history has ever completely escaped subjugation to such restrictive bondage. ââ¬Å"As mentioned in the previous chapter, the war on al Qaeda should be à ° deliberate broad-front attack. It is already that in practice, but the rationale for sustaining this approach is less established and troubles are certain because such à ° strategy requires relating the efforts of multiple agencies, subagencies, and even nations, and it sometimes necessitates rapid action. This would seem to require two enhancements of capability which may at first seem contradictory, but they are complementary and equally important. ââ¬Å"(Paul 2002 31) These facts hold particularly true for the office of Strategic Services mission in London, Americaââ¬â¢s critical liaison and operational intelligence outpost during the Second World War. Expanding to à ° peak of 2,800 personnel in 1944, OSS/London was originally established in October 1941 with the arrival of à ° single representative, followed by à ° staff nucleus the day after Americaââ¬â¢s entry into the war. Eventually consisting of contingents from the four major OSS branches-Research and Analysis, Secret Intelligence, Special operations, and X-2 (counter-intelligence)-the mission served as à ° focal point for Anglo-American intelligence relations in the decisive theatre in the war against Germany. The London mission was at the heart of OSS relations with British intelligence, and as such it personified the essence of that connection in the Allied war effort. The Allied invasion of Europe ensured that OSS/London, more than any other OSS outpost, would have the greatest opportunity to perform à ° decisive role in the intelligence war. Other OSS missions would also make important contributions, notably in Cairo, Algiers and Italy; but these were ultimately secondary theatres, while in the Pacific and Asia, OSS never acquired the sound relationship with the military necessary for intelligence operations. London was at the heart of the Allied war effort, and at the heart of the Anglo-American alliance itself. While intelligence exchanges with the Soviet Union have been documented by Bradley F. Smith, London was the ââ¬Ëbig leagueââ¬â¢ in Allied intelligence during the war. Many significant matters were accordingly played-out there, offering detailed examples of intelligence services in action. The experiences of OSS in London therefore illuminate the process by which America was introduced to the various components of intelligence and clandestine work, and how well American intelligence performed in its own right. As the presumed precursor to the post-war US Central Intelligence Agency, OSS further invites study in order to understand the antecedents of Americaââ¬â¢s Cold War intelligence service. The significant Anglo-American context of the evolution of modern American intelligence moreover suggests that the Anglo-American ââ¬ËSpecial Relationshipââ¬â¢ had an intelligence component that was manifested most strongly and clearly in OSS/London. (Bruce 2oo3 75) The mission thus provides à ° case study of how US intelligence matured and became institutionalized within the context of the larger Anglo-American political-military alliance. This analysis accordingly examines an aspect of that alliance and of intelligence history in particular, that has not yet been explored in any comprehensive detail. It is part of à ° current historiographical review of the significance of intelligence services in military and international affairs. It specifically examines OSS/London within the context of Anglo-American relations, as well as the evolution of both modern American, and Allied, intelligence during the Second World War. The general research approach blends what has been termed the American and British ââ¬Ëschoolsââ¬â¢ of intelligence scholarship. The more historical nature of British intelligence studies has been noted by Kenneth G. Robertson, while Roy Godsonââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËIntelligence: an American Viewââ¬â¢, in Robertsonââ¬â¢s British and American Approaches to Intelligence, distinguishes between this historical methodology and the more conceptual or theoretical nature of American studies (for example, Sherman Kentââ¬â¢s Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy). British diplomatic historian D. C. Watt has therefore identified these approaches as two distinct schools of intelligence study, though à ° recent noteworthy British contribution to the theoretical school is Michael Hermanââ¬â¢s Intelligence Power in Peace and War, which surveys the interrelationship between post-war structures, tasks, and effectiveness. This study for its part demonstrates the influences of both schools by linking theoretical concepts to the role of intelligence ties within the larger wartime Anglo-American alliance. (Neville 2004 45)
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